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At St Paul’s we expect all students to aim for 100% attendance and punctuality as research demonstrates a clear link between regular attendance and educational progress and attainment.

The Department For Education has announced that the threshold for persistent absence will reduce from 15% to 10% from September 2015.

This means that if a student has 3 days’ absence over a half term they will fall into the category of persistent absenteeism and Surrey Educational Welfare may become involved.

Attendance procedures

  • W​​e ask that wherever possible medical appointments are arranged for out of College hours.
  • Written notification of the appointment should be given to the tutor or reception staff along with proof such as an appointment card or letter.
  • Absences of two or more days must be supported with medical evidence such as an Appointment card/letter, copy of prescription or medication label.
  • If a student does not have a valid reason or there is a lack of evidence the absence will be unauthorised.
  • Holidays during term time will NOT be authorised and may lead to a penalty notice. The penalty notice is £60 per parent if paid within 21 days, rising to £120 per parent if paid after 21 days, but within 28 days.  Further action may be taken, in accordance with Surrey County Council prodecures, if payment is not received after this time.

​For further information please​ click the Attendance Policy for Students under:School Policies

Keeping the school informed of student health issues

We have recently had a number of incidents where we have found out by pure chance that students have underlying health issues.

Could I please request that if your child is currently seeing a doctor or specialist for health issues or has any other medical concerns such as diabetes, epilepsy, carries an Epi Pen, etc that you keep the School fully informed of their health needs so that we can keep this on record.  This will ensure that St Paul's and its First Aid Team can offer the best support for your child in their time of need.

Many thanks for your support in this matter.

Penalty fines for holiday and unauthorised absences 

We would like to remind parents/carers that if they take their children out of school without authority for 5 or more days (which do not have to be consecutive), they will be liable to receive a penalty notice. Currently, the amount payable under a penalty notice is £60.00 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days. Thereafter, the amount increases to £120.00 if paid between 21 and 28 days. If the penalty notice remains unpaid after 28 days, the Local Authority will consider a prosecution in the Magistrates Court. Please note that penalty notices are issued per parent/ carer per child so a family of two parents and two children will receive 4 penalty notices.