Tuesday 25 February 2025 Ascension Catholic Academy Trust (ACAT) Staff Conference
Wednesday 19 February 2025 Prayer for Pope Francis We hold Pope Francis in our school prayers as he remains seriously ill in hospital. As the leader of the Catholic Church, he has dedicated his life to spreading the message of love, compassion, and unity. In this time of difficulty, we ask our school community to come together in prayer for him.
Tuesday 4 February 2025 Get into Teaching St Paul’s Catholic College will be holding a ‘Get into Teaching’ event on Monday 17th March. If you are considering a career in teaching, join us at the Open Morning to discover how to become a teacher.
Friday 24 January 2025 Jubilee Year 2025 Pope Francis has called the global Church to celebrate the Jubilee together, with deep faith, lively hope, and active charity.
Thursday 19 December 2024 Advent Celebration of the Word The academic term drew to a close with its annual Advent Celebration of the Word.
Wednesday 18 December 2024 Christmas Staff Panto At the end of term, the staff performed the Paul Pan: The Boy who couldn't fly Charity Pantomime for KS3, directed and written by Miss Mooney and co-directed by Miss Biggs.
Monday 9 December 2024 Senior Citizens Christmas Party St Paul’s Sixth Form students were delighted to host their traditional Senior Citizens Christmas Party at the beginning of December.
Friday 6 December 2024 Christmas Jumper Day The Sixth Form Student Leadership team hosted its annual Christmas Jumper Day again for all year groups and staff on Friday 6th December with all funds raised going to this year’s charity of choice - Caritas.
Monday 2 December 2024 Advent Wreath The beginning of December marked the start of Advent, a season in which we prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ Jesus.
Tuesday 19 November 2024 Holy Souls Mass St Paul's gathered together today to celebrate Holy Souls Mass. November is the month that the Catholic Church dedicates to those we have lost - our dearly departed. Thank you to Father Phillip for leading us in this special and prayerful commemoration.
Thursday 24 October 2024 Harvest Foodbank Donation St Paul's delivered its Harvest Collection to the Foodbank at St Saviour's Church at the end of October, and what a collection it was! Each year we are blown away with your generosity, but this year, well there are no words. Your donations took up the whole of our chapel and we needed 3 minibuses to deliver the food! We cannot thank you enough - staff, students, parents/carers and the Pavilion Nursery. It will make such a difference to those in need in our local community.
Monday 21 October 2024 Year 7 Mass Students and staff celebrated the Year 7 Mass led by Father Philip at St Ignatius Church at the end of October. The theme of the service was that of the Year 7 retreats ‘Friendship and Belonging’ and was a lovely gathering which saw all the gifts and talents of our new pupils shared in their readings, altar serving, choir singing and thoughtful bidding prayers.
Sunday 15 September 2024 Welcome Back Mass Sixth Form students began the day with a `Welcome Back Mass' led by Father Christian from St Ignatius Church. A lovely start to the academic year for our Sixth Form pupils; we wish them every success in their studies
Sunday 8 September 2024 Year 12 Induction As part of their Induction Programme, our new Year 12 students took part in a team building activity last week entitled `The Hub Challenge’ delivered by WiseUp Team Building. The aim of this session is to help develop the students’ ability to work within a team as well as problem-solving, leadership, communication and planning. All of these skills will be invaluable as they progress with their A level and BTEC studies. The students had a great afternoon, despite the rain, and everyone enjoyed the challenge of the tasks.
Thursday 22 August 2024 GCSE Results Day We are extremely proud of our Yr11 students who collected their GCSE results this morning. Overall, progress is our highest ever, with a third of students achieving grade 7+, 77% achieving grade 5+, 88% achieving 4+. Well done to everyone for your efforts and achievements. The thumbnail has been assigned to the news item, and for convenience also added to the body here:We are extremely proud of our Yr11 students who collected their GCSE results this morning. Overall, progress is our highest ever, with a third of students achieving grade 7+, 77% achieving grade 5+, 88% achieving 4+. Well done to everyone for your efforts and achievements. We are extremely proud of our Yr11 students who collected their GCSE results this morning. Overall, progress is our highest ever, with a third of students achieving grade 7+, 77% achieving grade 5+, 88% achieving 4+. Well done to everyone for your efforts and achievements.
Thursday 15 August 2024 A Level and BTEC Results We are celebrating our best ever KS5 results in the history of St Paul’s!
Thursday 18 July 2024 DofE Bronze Awards Many congratulations to the following St Paul's students on completing their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
Thursday 13 June 2024 Careers Fair St Paul’s held its annual Careers Fair this week for year groups 10 and 12. This is always a popular event with many representatives from the public and private sectors in attendance, including ex-students and parents who came along to represent their employers. It was wonderful to see the St Paul’s community coming together for this event. Each pupil had the opportunity to talk to employers and further education institutions, all offering invaluable advice and information on the various pathways available to them. A huge thank you to everyone to who gave their time to speak to our students.
Thursday 7 March 2024 Ofsted Outstanding Provider of Education St Paul’s Catholic College is delighted and extremely proud to announce that we continue to remain an `Outstanding’ school in all areas following the recent Ofsted inspection. To continue To continue to be recognised as an `Outstanding’ establishment is a really significant judgement and we would like to thank everyone for their support Here are some of the wonderful things that the Ofsted team said about our school: - "Teachers' subject knowledge is a strength of the school." "Staff are proud of their work. They strive to improve their already excellent teaching skills. As a result, lessons are of high quality and pupils are supported in developing their knowledge and understanding." "Extra activities, such as museum and pantomime trips, broaden pupils’ experiences. Many take on a rich selection of pupil leadership roles. They are proud of their work as peer mentors, ambassadors and representatives of the school."
Monday 1 January 2024 Section 48 Inspection St Paul’s Catholic College is extremely proud to announce that we have been awarded an Outstanding in the recent Section 48 Inspection of Religious Education and Catholic Life.