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Employment Opportunities

Our employment opportunities area of the website advertises any vacancies as well as schemes that we participate in to promote employment in the education sector at St Paul's Catholic College.

Please send complete applications to jobs@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk

Please note that CV’s will not be accepted as applications. 

Working at St Paul's

Teaching Staff Opportunities

Teacher of Geography – ECTs welcome
Required September 2025
London fringe

St Paul’s is one of the most successful schools in the country. We have an excellent reputation for training and career progression and take pride in making sure that our teachers are the best they can be. We are seeking to appoint a highly motivated and enthusiastic teacher to join our Geography Department within a deeply caring school environment.

|For further information please see below:

Geography Teacher Advertisement

Geography Teacher Job Description

Teacher of Maths – ECTs welcome
Required September 2025
London fringe

St Paul’s is one of the most successful schools in the country and our GCSE and ‘A’ level results are consistently in the top 10% nationally. We have an excellent reputation for training and career progression and take pride in making sure that our teachers are the best they can be. We are seeking to appoint a highly motivated and enthusiastic teacher to join our Maths Department within a deeply caring school environment.

Maths Teacher Advert Sept

Maths Teacher Job Description

 Support Staff Opportunities

  There are currently no Support Staff opportunities available. 

Governor Opportunities

 Foundation Governor

St Paul’s Catholic College, which continues to develop with the support of our excellent staff and Governing Body and is in the top 2% of schools nationally, is currently looking to appoint a Foundation Governor (non-parent) to join our Governing Body and particularly interested in anyone who has a background in education or commerce. For further information with regard to this role, please contact our Clerk to the Governors, Jo Chappell, directly on 01932 704119 or email: jchappell@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk