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I am very proud to serve St Paul's Catholic College as Headteacher. 

St Paul's is a happy and thriving community where children are well-cared for, happy and valued, in a school that has an established reputation for excellence.  Our College provides education on behalf of the Westminster Diocese and is part of the Ascension Catholic Academy Trust (ACAT).

We are extremely pleased with our students’ GCSE performance this year.  Overall progress is at its highest ever, with a third of students achieving grade 7+, 77% attaining grade 5+ and 88% securing grade 4+.  We are delighted to see the hard work from our pupils and staff being rewarded with this excellent set of results.

We are also celebrating our best ever KS5 results in the history of St Paul's.  The majority of our students have received their first choice university and apprenticeship offers with two of our pupils having confirmed places at Oxford University and one student at Cambridge.  Our students achieved 33% A*-A, 63% attained A*-B and 86% achieved A*-C grades at A Level with BTEC students achieving an average grade Distinction.  Our GCSE and A Level results consistently place us in the top 10% of schools nationally;  a true reflection of our pupils high level of ambition and dedication to their studies.

 St Paul’s continues to go from strength to strength with each year that passes. We continue to be an Ofsted accredited `Outstanding Provider of Education’ following our recent inspection in January.  We also received an ‘Outstanding’ judgement in the Section 48 Inspection of Religious Education and Catholic Life. 

The Catholic life of the school is at the centre of all we do, which is reflected in our mission statement "Achieving Excellence, Learning to Serve".  We have a built-in culture of serving our community with everyone working together in order to achieve excellence in all that we do.

The cornerstone of these high achievements is a dedicated and hardworking staff who are proud to work at St Paul's.   Our staff want to do their best for all our children and strive for excellence in everything they do.

St Paul's is on a continuous journey of improvement and we place our children at the centre of all our decisions.  Our aim is simply to provide the best education in the country whilst ensuring that children feel safe, secure and happy. Each child is unique and deserves the best we can give them.

Come in and see us, visitors are always welcome at any time. 

God Bless.


James Mc Nulty - Headteacher