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Transition to Year 7


Moving to a secondary school can be both exciting and daunting for a child and their parents.  We realize that you and your child may have a long list of questions, worries and concerns which we hope the information we provide on joining St Paul's and our Transition programme will answer and provide reassurance.

All the staff at St Paul's work hard to guide and support our new students so that they can cope with the challenges joining a new school presents, to allow them to settle-in quickly and make new friends, develop good learning habits, start making good academic progress and ultimately be happy in their new environment.

If you have any questions or concerns about the transition process please do not hesitate to contact  Mrs Lisa Newton, Admissions Officer, at the number outlined. 

School admission appeals timetable

Appeals for September 2025 entry resulting from year of entry or transfer applications: 



Appeals lodged by

Appeals to be heard by


3 March 2025

31 March 2025

18 June 2025 (40 School days)

 Please note: Appeals will not start being heard until after the relevant closing date has passed.

Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.

Appeals are not heard in school holidays, which will vary depending on the school.

Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing.  Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case normally a week in advance of the hearing.

Appellants must ensure that any further evidence not included with their initial appeal is received by the stated deadline, which will be clearly highlighted in the appeal hearing notification letter.  Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing.  

Staff are proud of their work. They strive to improve their already excellent teaching skills. As a result, lessons are of high quality and pupils are supported in developing their knowledge and understanding."

Ofsted - January 2024


Parish Boundaries

The parish boundaries for the Upper Thames Deanery listed in the admissions criteria can be found using the web links below:

Admissions Secretary

Lisa Newton

Direct Dial: 01932 754213
Email: admissions@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk