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As part of our school ethos a high standard of personal appearance is expected of all students.

Students should be in full uniform on the way to and from school and anyone arriving at school in non-uniform clothing may expect to be issued with an after-school detention, may be sent home to change or may be internally excluded.

Non-uniform items may be confiscated for parental collection at the end of term and students will be issued with detentions.

WE ARE A STRICT UNIFORM SCHOOL - When buying items of clothing or shoes please be conscious of the school uniform code.

Students will not be allowed to wear non-uniform items even if they have just been purchased. 

Compulsory Uniform Requirements


  • Maroon blazer with school badge
  • Plain white shirt with collar and school tie
  • Shirts must be tucked in at the waistband with the tie correctly knotted at the collar
  • Plain maroon V-neck pullover (optional)
  •  “David Luke" grey school trousers which must be embroidered with the school logo (see image)
  • Plain (no logos) grey or black ankle socks
  • Plain black low cut leather shoes (not trainers)


  • Maroon blazer with school badge
  • Plain white shirt with collar and school tie
  • Shirts must be tucked in at the waistband with the tie correctly knotted at the collar
  • Plain maroon V-neck pullover (optional)
  • "Davenport Banner" school skirt, which must be knee length (minimum 20 inches) with an embroidered school logo 
  • "Harrow Grey Trutex" girls school trousers, with an embroidered school logo (see image)
  • Plain (no logos) grey or black ankle socks or plain black or flesh-coloured tights
  • Plain black leather low cut shoes with low heels (not trainers) maximum heel height 2”

Unisex PE Kit

  • Maroon training t-shirt with logo
  • Blue training shorts with logo
  • Maroon and white socks
  • Trainers—any make
  • Football/Rugby boots—any make
  • Gum Shields/shin pads
  • Blue training jumper with logo (optional)
  • Blue training tracksuit bottoms with logo (optional)

All jewellery must be removed during PE lessons.

Trainers are only allowed during PE or at break/lunchtime in the playgrounds and must not be worn to and from school.

Please note the following:

Jewellery/Make-up/False Nails/Nail varnish/False eyelashes are not permitted in school. 

One PLAIN metal stud in each ear lobe is allowed and a watch. Only badges issued by the school may be worn.  Other jewellery, e.g. hoop earrings, rings, bracelets, nose rings may be confiscated, placed in an envelope and put in the school safe to await Parental collection at the end of term.

Hair colour and style must be appropriate and sensible for school, extreme hairstyles, colours and cuts are not acceptable and may warrant exclusion. If there is any doubt regarding the acceptability of a haircut, parents/carers should contact the Head of Year before the hair is cut. (e.g. Grade 1, 1.5, cut in lines, patterns or ‘V’ cuts are not allowed, not even as a wedge or part of a style, no single braids or extreme colours). Girls may only wear plain clips or headbands in their hair.

Shaved Eyebrows/Body Piercings are not permitted. Jewellery cannot be visible in any pierced part of the body other than the ear lobe.

Coats & Bags - Coats must be plain BLACK or NAVY only. Coats, outdoor clothing, football scarves may not be worn in school. Denim/leather jackets are NOT allowed. Bags/coats with inappropriate motifs, emblems or studs are not allowed. School bags must be of a reasonable size in order to carry A4 folders and text books. Handbags are not acceptable.

Hooded Tops are not permitted and will be confiscated if worn.

Under Shirts - Coloured clothing must not to be visible under white school shirts.

Mobile Phones, I-pods, earphones & headphones etc. must not be used during the school day and will be confiscated if students do not follow this rule. The school cannot be responsible for the loss of such items.

Please ensure that ALL uniform and PE kit is marked with your child’s name.  We have a considerable amount of lost property that we are unable to return as it is not named.

The school is not responsible for any loss or damage of personal possessions. 

School Downloads

Uniform Policy