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BTEC National Extended Certificate in Information Technology

Course Details

Board:  Edexcel Pearson 

Course Title:  BTEC National Extended Certificate in Information Technology

Course Specification Code:  610/7575/8

Course Entry Requirements:  Five GCSEs at grade 4 or above (including Maths and English)

Course Content

Unit 1: Information Technology Systems (120 GLH) and the implications of their use in personal and professional situations. Students will gain knowledge and understanding of issues relating to the use of IT in personal and professional situations.

Unit 2: Cyber Security and Incident Management (120 GLH) cyber security threats and vulnerabilities, the methods used to protect organisations against threats and managing security incidents.

Unit 3: Website Development (60 GLH) Students will investigate fundamental principles in website development. They will design and develop a website in response to a client brief.

Unit 4: Relational Database Development (60 GLH) Students will examine relational database development principles to understand the importance of data storage and normalisation techniques and apply their skills to design and develop data storage solutions to meet a client’s requirements. 


Unit 1: Exam in May/June; 90 marks; 2 hours

Unit 2: Exam in May/June; 90 marks; 2 hours

Resits are possible during the Autumn exam session, if required.

 Unit 3: Coursework (Graded Pass, Merit, or Distinction)

Unit 4: Coursework (Graded Pass, Merit, or Distinction)

 Higher Education & Careers

 The BTEC in Information Technology teaches key skills in project planning, management, and implementation in a digital setting, but those skills are immediately transferable to any modern workplace or place of study.

The skills, processes, and concepts that the students learn can be applied in many different sectors and help students adopt the analytical approach required for many degrees.

Key qualities, like a strong work ethic, personal responsibility, accountability and time management, are developed along the way, as well as strong written communication skills required for the extended written components of the course.

Why BTEC IT at St Paul’s?

BTEC Information Technology offers a program of study geared towards higher education and graduate level employment in the digital workplace, delivered by staff with directly relevant industry experience. Students learn in detail about key systems (hardware, software, and networks) before building on that foundation to learn about cybersecurity, web development, and data management. The course is light on programming and computational theory, making it distinct from the Computer Science A level, whilst still meeting the requirement of many undergraduate and apprenticeships programs for a technical qualification demonstrating IT proficiency. BTEC IT fits well alongside qualifications in Maths, Media, Business, Psychology or Art and Design. The course consists of 360 Guided Learning Hours (GLH), equivalent to an A level.



 Name:  Mrs H Thaxton (Head of Computing),  Mr O Barker (Teacher of Computer Science)

 Email:  hthaxton@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk;  obarker@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk

Telephone:  01932 783811