BTEC National Extended Certificate in Sport
Course Details
Board: Edexcel (Pearson)
Course Title: BTEC Sport Level 3
Course Specification Code: National Extended Certificate in Sport
Course Entry Requirements: 5 GCSE grades 4 including English and Maths
Course Content
360GLH (Guided Learning Hours)
Equivalent in size to one A Level.
Four units of which 2 are mandatory exams and 2 are external coursework.
Course Content - Year 12
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology
The aim of this unit is so that learners explore how the skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems function.
Unit 6: Sports Psychology
The aim of this unit is so that learners explore psychological dimensions of sport.
Course Content - Year 13
Unit 2: Fitness Training and Programming for Health, Sport and Well-being
The aim of this unit is so that learners explore client screening and lifestyle assessment, fitness training methods and fitness programming to support improvements in a client’s health and well-being.
Unit 3: Professional Development in the Sports Industry
The aim of this unit is so that learners explore how the knowledge and skills required for different career pathways in the sports industry.
Mandatory content (83%)
External assessment (58%).
Unit 1: Anatomy and Physiology - 1½ hour exam (90 marks)
Unit 2: Fitness Training - Scenario based written task - 2½ hour exam (60 marks)
Unit 3: Professional Development - Internal assessed written work.
Unit 6: Sports Psychology - internal assessed written work.
Higher Education & Careers
A broad basis of study for the sport sector. This qualification is designed to support progression to higher education when taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A Levels
Why BTEC Sport at St Paul’s?
BTEC Sport at St Paul’s is a popular choice with outstanding results. Class sizes allow healthy discussions and debates and students enjoy researching the topics and putting their coursework together. Students are encouraged to use their independent thinking and enquiry to get the most out of the subject. These skills are fundamental for success in BTEC Sport. A willingness to work hard, meet strict deadlines & a strong interest in the subject are essential. Students will be given the opportunity to assess their own fitness levels through the Unit externally moderated by Pearson.
Name: Miss D Smith
Telephone: 01932 704123