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Business BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate

Course Details

Board:  Edexcel (Pearson)

Course Title:   BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business

Course Specification Code:  601/7115/8

Course Entry Requirments:  If students have studied Business at GCSE they must have a Grade 4. If not, they must have 5 GCSEs at Grade 4 and above including Maths,

Year 12 Content

Unit 1 Exploring Business

In this introductory unit, you will study the purposes of different businesses, their structure, the effect of the external environment, and how they need to be dynamic and innovative to survive. By developing relevant business knowledge and understanding, this unit will help you to progress to employment, vocational training and higher apprenticeships, or higher education.

Unit 2 Developing a Marketing Campaign

In this unit, you will gain skills relating to and an understanding of how a marketing campaign is developed. Pre-released material includes information about a business for research. You will need to apply your knowledge, ideas and skills to plan a marketing campaign, linking its success to the impact on the business. 

Year 13 Content

Unit 3 Personal and Business Finance

The written exam will cover the purpose and importance of personal and business finance, including the skills and knowledge needed to understand, analyse and prepare financial information.  This unit will provide a foundation for a number of other finance and business units and will help you to analyse profitability, liquidity and business efficiency. It will give you the knowledge and understanding to manage your personal finances and will give you a background to business finance and accounting as you progress to employment, training or University.

Unit 8 Recruitment and Selection

This unit gives you the opportunity to explore how the recruitment process is carried out in a business. You will get the opportunity to participate in selection interviews and review their performance.  It will give you a foundation for progression to employment, for example in a human resources role, or to higher education. 


Unit 1 - Exploring Business (90 GLH) – Internal coursework assignment

Unit 2 - Developing a Marketing Campaign (90 GLH) – External task taken on a PC for 3 hours

Unit 3 - Personal and Business Finance (120 GLH) – Written exam - 2 hours

Unit 8 - Recruitment and Selection (60 GLH) - Internal coursework assignment

Higher Education & Careers

The Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Business is an Applied General qualification. It is for post-16 learners who want to continue their education through applied learning and who aim to progress to higher education and ultimately to employment in the business sector. The qualification is equivalent in size to one A Level and aims to provide a coherent introduction to study of the business sector.

Why BTEC Business  at St Paul’s?

Business Studies as a subject is widely accepted at all Higher Education Institutions, and by employers as giving a good grounding in broad-based skills and understanding. It leads to almost any kind of employment opportunity. The study of Business Studies enables students to develop their understanding of issues facing the business world today, and how businesses can tackle these issues.  Students gain essential transferrable skills, for example analysis, research and information processing that develop their ability to formulate arguments and communicate effectively both in Business and real life context.


Name:  Mrs E O'Farrell

Email:  eofarrell@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk

Telephone:  01932 704137