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Chemistry A Level

Course Details

Board:  AQA

Course Title:  AS and A Level Chemistry 

Course Specification Code:  A level Chemistry 7405

Course Entry Requirments:  Triple 6, 6, 6: Core 6, 6

Content - Year 12

Physical Chemistry 1

Inorganic Chemistry 1

Organic Chemistry 1

Required Practicals

Content - Year 13

Physical Chemistry 2

Inorganic Chemistry 2

Organic Chemistry 2

Required Practicals


Paper 1 - Written exam: 2 hours• 105 marks • 35%  of A-level exam

Paper 2 - Written exam: 2 hours • 105 marks • 35% of  A-level exam

Paper 3 - Written exam: 2 hours • 90 marks • 30% of A-level exam

Higher Education & Careers

Chemistry course prepares candidates to progress into further or higher education, to follow courses in chemistry, medicine, biochemistry, one of the other sciences or related subjects, or to enter employment where knowledge of chemistry would be useful. Study of AS or Advanced GCE Chemistry should also be seen as making a contribution towards life-long learning.

Why Chemistry at St Paul's

Chemistry has been a popular choice for many years, we have highly trained technicians who are invaluable for aiding every student through practical work. We pride ourselves on our positive relationships with Sixth Formers and offer help, support and guidance throughout. Good links with local industry and Universities has led many students to successful Summer placements, in the fields of chemistry and biochemistry.


 Name:  Mrs M Walshe: Mr S Afonso

 Email:  mwalshe@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk

 Telephone:  01932 783811