Drama and Theatre A Level
Course Details
Board: AQA
Course Title: Drama and Theatre
Course Specification Code: 7262
Course Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in GCSE Drama and English Language
Course Content
A minimum of two performances, one devised and one from a performance text studied during the course. One final written 3 hour exam exploring two set plays and a live theatre performance.
Component 1: Written exam
Written exam: 3 hours
Open book
80 marks
40% of A-level
Section A: one question (from a choice) on one of the set plays from List A (25 marks)
Section B: one two part question on a given extract from one of the set plays from List B (25 marks)
Section C: one question on the work of theatre makers in a single live theatre production (30 marks)
Component 2: Creating Original Drama
Working notebook (40 marks)
Devised performance/ design porfolio(20 marks)
60 marks in total
30% of A-level
This component is marked by teachers and moderated by AQA.
Component 3: Making Theatre
Performance of Extract 3 (40 marks)
Reflective report (20 marks)
60 marks in total
30% of A-level
Practical exploration and interpretation of three extracts (Extract 1, 2 and 3) each taken from a different play
Methodology of a prescribed practitioner must be applied to Extract 3
Reflective report analysing and evaluating theatrical interpretation of all three extracts
Extract 3 is to be performed as a final assessed piece (students may contribute as performer, designer or director)
Higher Education & Careers
Students can progress from this qualification to:
Drama schools, university courses that relate directly to drama and theatre/ film, fashion and costume design/ lighting design, university courses that will benefit from the skills acquired from this GCE, for example, human resources, people management, public services, public speaking
Employment where people skills are essential, for example management, retail, nursing, Law, as well as industry and business environments
Employment where time management, confidence, the ability to work collaboratively and to meet deadlines are desirable
Why Drama & Theatre at St Paul’s?
Drama is a lively subject and, in keeping with this, it is taught in an energetic, vibrant manner at St Paul’s. The teachers are extremely helpful and supportive of students, especially when they make the transition from GCSE to A Level. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively and expressively to explore a wide range of plays, issues and material as well as benefitting from regular theatre visits and regular viewing of live digital theatre.
Name: Mrs T Harden-Chaters
Email: THardenChaters@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk
Telephone: 01932 783811