English Literature A Level
Course Details
Board: OCR
Course Title: English Literature A-Level
Course Specification Code: A level H472
Course Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in English Language and English Literature
Content - 2 Year Course
Introduction to Drama texts. Introduction to Literary study pre-1900.
Unit 1:
Section A: Shakespeare- Hamlet
Section B: Pre 1900 poetry - Christina Rossetti and A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen
Unit 2:
Section A: Close reading of a variety of Gothic texts.
Section B: Comparative and contextual study on the Gothic-The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories by Angela Carter and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
Unit 3:
Close reading or re creative writing piece with commentary.
Comparative essay.
Unit 1: Shakespeare and pre 1900 poetry + Drama text [closed book]60 marks
Written exam paper - minutes.
40% of A level.
Unit 2: Comparative and contextual study [closed text].
60 marks.
Written exam paper: 2 hours 30 minutes. 40% of A level.
Unit 3: Literature post-1900 40 marks.
Non examined assessment (coursework).
20% of total A level.
Higher Education & Careers
English Literature is a highly regarded A level with regard to university entry particularly the Russell group cluster. It is an excellent preparation for a wide range of professions particularly: Law, Teaching, Journalism, Publishing, Media/Creative industries and Marketing.
Why English Literature at St Paul’s?
Our results are excellent and many students have gone on to study at their first choice university.
Students are taught by highly qualified and experienced staff who are passionate about the subject. Classes are taught seminar style with plenty of opportunity for discussion, research and create presentations. Marking and feedback on written work is thorough with self and peer assessment integral to learning. Extra curricula activities include theatre trips and writing workshops.
Name: Mrs J Walsh
Email: jwalsh@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk
Telephone: 01932 783811