French and Spanish A Level
Course Details
Board: Edexcel
Course Title: French and Spanish AS and A level
Course Specification Code: A Level 9SP0 / 9FR0
Course Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in French or Grade 6 in Spanish
Content - Year 12
French Year 1 (Paper 1 ,2, 3)
Social issues and trends: Evolving society, Changing family structures, Education, The world of work
Political, Intellectual and artistic culture: Music, Media, Festivals and Traditions
Spanish Year 1 (Paper 1 ,2, 3)
Social issues and trends: Evolving society, Changing family structures, Impact of tourism, The world of work
Political, intellectual and artistic culture: Music, Media, Festivals and Traditions
Content - Year 13
French Year 2 (Paper 1 ,2, 3)Social trends and issues: Immigration and the multicultural society
Political, intellectual and artistic culture: The Occupation and artistic culture
Spanish Year 2 (Paper 1 ,2, 3)
Social trends and issues: Immigration and the multicultural society
Political, intellectual and artistic culture: The Franco dictatorship and transition to democracy
French Exam Requirements
Paper 1: Written examination ( Listening, reading and translation)
1 hour 50 minutes
40% of total AS mark
Paper 2: Written examination (written response to work, grammar and translation)
1 hour 40 minutes
30% of total AS mark
Paper 3: Speaking exam
27-30 minutes
30% of total AS mark
Spanish Exam Requirements
1 hour 50 minutes
Written examination ( Listening, reading and translation)
40% of total A Level mark
Paper 2:
2 hour 40 minutes
Written examination (written response to works and translation)
30% of total A Level mark
Paper 3:
21-23 minutes
Speaking exam
30% of total A Level mark
Higher Education at St Paul's
Language study contributes to a broad general education and gives you invaluable practical and transferable skills for the future. In most careers nowadays language abilities are highly valued. You may choose to specialise in French/Spanish at university or combine your language with other subjects such as Engineering, History, Media and journalism, Management and Business Studies, Teaching, Fashion Design, Travel & Hospitality Management, Accountancy, European Studies, or International or European Law.
Why French and Spanish at St Paul's
You will engage with stimulating texts, films and other materials in the original language, equip yourselves with transferable skills such as autonomy, resourcefulness, creativity and critical thinking. Improve your grasp of English, develop your ability to interact with users of the language in speech, writing and through online media. Mediate between cultures and between speakers of the language and speakers of English. Foster the ability to learn other languages
Name: Miss A Hernandez Benito
Telephone: 01932 754811 Ext 202