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Geography A Level

Course Details

Board:  AQA

Course Title:  A-level Geography

Course Specification Code:  A-level: 7037

Course Entry Requirements:  Grade 6 in Geography

 Content - Year 12

Component 1:  Physical Geography 

Section A: Water and carbon cycles

Section B: Coastal landscapes

Section C: Hazards

Component 2:  Human Geography

Section B: Geographical fieldwork 

Content - Year 13

Component 2:  Human Geography

Section A: Global systems and global governance

Section C: Contemporary urban environments.

Component 3:  Geography fieldwork investigation

Students complete a written investigation based on collected data.  Individual investigation has to link to the specification


Component 1: Physical Geography

Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

120 marks

40% of A-level

Component 2: Human Geography

Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes

120 marks

40% of A-level

Component 3: Geography fieldwork investigation

3,000–4,000 words

60 marks

20% of A-level

marked by teachers

moderated by AQA

Higher Education & Careers

Geography is widely accepted at all Higher Education Institutions and by employees as giving a good grounding in broadly based skills and understanding. It leads to almost any kind of employment opportunity. Geography students will develop their written, mathematical and scientific skills whilst studying engaging content.

Why Geography at St Paul’s?

A-level Geography offers a natural progression from GCSE. Geography at St Paul’s is successful with a good record in results. Students receive in depth support and detailed feedback. Teaching includes a variety of teaching methods which develop key geographical skills. Teachers are available at all times and teacher student relationships are very positive.


 Name:  Mr C Evans

 Email:  cevans@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk

 Telephone:  01932 783811 Ext 160