Course Details
Board: Edexcel
Course Title: Advanced GCE in History
Course Specification Code: 9H10
Course Entry Requirements: 6 in History (or English Literature if History not studied at GCSE)
Course Content - Year 12
Paper 1: Germany and West Germany, 1918-89
Students learn about key political changes experienced in a unified Germany and then in West Germany after the Second World War, and the impacts of these changes on German economic, social and cultural developments.
Paper 2: The rise and fall of fascism in Italy, 1911-46
Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the extent and nature of the profound political, economic and social changes experienced in the years 1911-46.
Content - Year 13
Paper 3: Britain: Losing and gaining an Empire, 1763-1914
Explore the development of the British Empire and the part played in this by the Royal Navy and merchant marine. Students will also study a series of developments that started with an imperial catastrophe which threatened to reduce Britain once more to a European offshore island, but then would transform Britain’s standing in the world so that by the end of the period it had the largest empire the world has known.
Coursework: A controversy question based upon the government of Nazi Germany.
Paper 1 (30%)
Paper 2 (20%)
Paper 3 (30%)
Paper 4 (20%)
Higher Education & Careers
Hugely valued by universities due to the academic challenge it offers as well as skills that link to the legal profession, journalism and any number of highly rewarding careers.
Why History at St Paul’s?
Teachers who are passionate about the topics they teach, and who want their students to immerse themselves in the periods we study. A caring environment where every student has the best chance to achieve the very highest they possibly can.
Name: Mr Hutchinson
Email: ahutchinson@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk
Telephone: 01932 704130