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Media A Level

Course Details

 Board:  Eduqas

 Course Title:  Media Studies

 Course Specification Code:  A680QS A Level

 Course Entry Requirements:  Grade 6 and above in both GCSE Media Studies (if studied) and GCSE English Language

 Content - Year 12

Component 1: Media products, Industries and Audiences
Written examination:  35%, 2hrs 15 min

Section A: This section assesses media language and representation in relation to advertising, marketing, music video and newspapers.

Section B:  This section assesses knowledge and understanding of media industries, audiences, and context (historical, political, sociocultural, and   economic) in relation to video games, radio, film, newspapers, advertising and marketing.

Component 3: Cross-Media Production
Non-examined assessment:  30% 12 weeks

This component synthesises knowledge and understanding gained throughout their course by requiring students to apply what they have learnt through practical production.

Students will create either a new television programme, an original music video, marketing for a new film, or print magazine.

Content - Year 1​​​​​3

Component 2: Media Forms and Products in depth
Written examination: 35% 2hrs 30 min

The examination assesses media language, representation, industry audiences and media context in relation to television in the global age, mainstream and alternative magazines and media in the online era.

Higher Education & Careers

This specification provides a suitable foundation for the study of Media Studies or a related area on a range of higher education degree courses, for the next level of vocational qualifications, or for employment. In addition, the specification provides a coherent, engaging and culturally valuable course of study for learners who do not progress to further study in this subject.

Students will gain skills in:  

  • critical thinking, demonstrate skills of enquiry, decision-making and analysis.                      
  • demonstrate a critical approach to media issues.
  • demonstrate appreciation and critical understanding of the media and their role both historically and currently in society, culture, politics and the economy. 
  • develop an understanding of the dynamic and changing relationships between media forms, products, industries and audiences.
  • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the global nature of the media.
  • apply theoretical knowledge and specialist subject specific terminology to analyse and compare media products and the contexts in which they are produced and consumed.
  • make informed arguments, reach substantiated judgements and draw  conclusions about media issues •
  • engage in critical debate about academic theories used in media studies .
  • appreciate how theoretical understanding supports practice and practice supports theoretical understanding. 
  • demonstrate sophisticated practical skills by providing  opportunities for creative media production.

Why Media at St Paul’s?

Media Studies is a well-equipped and enjoyable subject at St Paul’s and, in keeping with this, it is taught in a lively, vibrant manner. Lessons are full of discussion and opportunity for students to present ideas. There are always practical approached to learning and this lends itself to a creative and positive learning experience.  Head of Media is a subject specialist and extremely helpful and supportive of students, especially when they make the transition from GCSE to A Level. Results are excellent and many students go on to study Media or related courses at University.

Subjects which compliment Media are: English, Drama, History, Business, Sociology, Psychology, Photography, and Religious Studies


 Name:  Miss H Thaxton - Head of Media and Film

 Email:  hthaxton@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk

 Telephone:  01932 783811