National Careers Week
National Careers Week - 3rd March - 8th March 2025
National Careers Week (NCW) is a dedicated week to celebrate careers guidance. St Paul’s aim is to provide all our students with careers guidance to help support them to develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways. In this year’s NCW students will be partaking in activities in each department so that they can understand what career pathways that subject can lead to. The aim is to give students ideas on the plethora of jobs in the market and understand that it is not just the traditional pathways that are open to them. For example, not all students that study science end up as scientists and not all those that study English end up as writers! A flavour of the career pathways will be shared on our website and our LinkedIn and social media channels.
Career Pathways
Careers Newsletter
careers newsletter february 2025.pdf
National Careers Week Resources Booklet 2025