Ascension Catholic Academy Trust (ACAT) Staff Conference
The Ascension Catholic Academy Trust (ACAT) Staff conference took place yesterday at St Paul’s Catholic College and was a wonderful coming together of staff within all the Trust schools: St Richard Reynolds, St Paul’s Catholic College, St Ignatius Primary School, St Michael Primary School and Nursery and Our Lady of the Rosary Primary
The day began with prayer led by the Trust Chaplains. Richard Burke, CEO, then introduced the theme of the day, Belonging, exploring how we can develop that sense of Belonging as an inclusive Catholic community with a shared vision and complementary values - both as a body of staff, but more importantly for the young people we are privileged to serve. This was then followed by an engaging presentation from guest speaker, Sister Judith Russi. The rest of the day focused on staff training and enhancing the skills and knowledge of our teaching and support teams.
Special thanks were given to all those who organised and participated in the event, with particular thanks to Sister Judith for her captivating talk.