Physical Education A Level
Course Details
Board: AQA
Course Title: A Level - GCE in Physical Education
Course Specification Code: 7582
Course Entry Requirements: Minimum Grade 6 in GCSE PE
Course Content
A Level - Year 12 and 13
2 years
Exams at the end of Year 13
Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport
- Applied Anatomy and Physiology
- Skill acquisition
- Sport and society
Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport
- Exercise physiology and biomechanics
- Sports psychology
- Sport and society and technology in sport
Practical Performance in physical education
- Performance or Coaching
- Evaluation and Analysis of Performance for improvement (EAPI)
A Level – Year 12 and 13
2 years
Exams at the end of Year 13
Factors affecting participation in physical activity and sport
- 105 Marks
- 2 hour Written paper
- 30% of total A Level
Factors affecting optimal performance in physical activity and sport
- 105 marks
- 2 hour written paper
- 35% of total
A level Performance in physical education
- 90 marks
- Non-exam assessment (NEA)
- 30% of total A level
Higher Education & Careers
Particularly relevant to a career in sport. This course offers a wide and specialised study into all issues and developments within the sporting world today. Many of our students continue their study of sport at university. Some of the courses that can be accessed through studying A level PE are listed below:
PE teacher, Sports Science, Sports Management, Physiotherapist, Sports Coaching, Biology, Psychology and Sociology
Why Physical Education at St Paul’s?
Physical Education at St Paul’s is very successful with outstanding results. Classes are of a size which lends themselves to healthy discussion and research. Teachers are known to the students and are available at all times for both individual and group tuition. Students are encouraged to become independent thinkers and these skills are taught to them through their lessons. Students are also encouraged to take an active role in helping to coach younger age groups within the college. Physical Education is a complex subject that covers a wide range of areas. A willingness to work hard and a strong interest in the subject are essential.
Name: Miss D Smith
Telephone: 01932 704123