Psychology A Level
Psychology A Level
Board: AQA
Course Title: Psychology
Course Specification Code: 7182
Course Entry Requirements: Grade 6 in Maths and English Language
Content - Year 12
Paper 1 - 96 Marks: Introductory Topics in Psychology. 33.3% (multiple choice, short answer and extended writing):
- The Cognitive Approach: Memory, Forgetting, Factors effecting eye witness testimony
- Social Influence: Why do we obey and why we resist, Conformity.
- Attachment: Influence of early attachment on relationships, Ainsworth’s Strange Situation, Theory of Maternal Deprivation, Animal Studies.
- Psychopathology: Definitions of abnormality, Behavioural, cognitive and emotional characteristics of Phobias (behavioural explanation and treatment), Depression (cognitive explanation and treatment), and OCD (biological explanation and treatment)
Paper 2 - 96 Marks: Psychology in Context. 33.3% (multiple choice, short answer and extended writing):
- Approaches: Learning approach (conditioning and social learning, cognitive approach (schemas and mental processes) and biological approach (influence of genes and brain structures
- Biopsychology: Brain structure and function, different ways of studying the brain, biological rhythms and divisions of the nervous system.
- Research Methods: Experimental methods, observational techniques, self reporting, correlational design, experimental design, case studies. Scientific process (aims, hypotheses). Ethics, implications of research.
Content - Year 13
Paper 3 - 96 Marks: Issues and Options in Psychology. 33.3% (multiple choice, short answer and extended writing):
- Issues and Debates : Gender and culture, nature vs. nurture, reductionism and ethical implications
- Forensic: Offender profiling, biological and psychological explanations of offending behaviour. Recidivism.
- Stress: Sources of stress, measuring stress, physiology of stress, managing and coping with stress.
- Cognition and Development: Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theory or cognitive development. The development of social cognition.
Higher Education & Careers
Psychology is a widely accepted subject at all Higher Education Institutes and by employers. Psychology gives a good grounding in many skills and leads to a variety of job opportunities in the health sector, social welfare, advertising and marketing, personnel and education.
Why Psychology at St Paul's
Psychology is a popular subject at St Paul’s with an excellent record of results. Students take responsibility for their own research and further investigation of topics that interest them. Teaching includes a variety of methods, with lessons often being discursive with lots of opportunity for student input. Trips to the Old Bailey Criminal Court are also important elements of the course. If you’re interested in understanding why people behave the way they do and the world around you, then Psychology is the subject for you.
Name: Miss C Steed - Head of Psychology
Telephone: 01932 704126