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Sociology A Level

Course Details

 Board:  OCR

 Course Title:  Sociology

 Course Specification Code:  A Level H580

 Course Entry Requirements:  Grade 5 in English Language

Course Content - Year 12

Paper 1

Youth subcultures.

Content - Year 13

Paper 2

 Research methods and researching social inequalities. 

Understanding social inequalities. 

Paper 3

Globalisation and the digital social world

Complimentary A levels

Sociology A level would compliment a variety of A level selections in particular it goes well with:

Philosophy and Ethics






Paper 1 - Socialisation, culture and identity -1½ hours -  30% of final grade.

Paper 2 - Researching and understanding social inequalities - 2 hrs 15 mins - 35% of final grade.

Paper 3 - Debates in contemporary society. 2 hr and 15 mins - 35% of final grade.

Higher Education & Careers

Sociology graduates are found in a wide range of occupations: Many sociology graduates are attracted to careers that centre on the challenges and demands that members of a society face. This leads to jobs in social services, education, criminal justice, welfare services, government, counselling, charities and the voluntary sector. They include charity fundraiser, community development worker, counsellor, lecturer, housing officer, teacher, probation officer, social researcher, social worker and welfare rights adviser. There are a range of specific abilities and skills associated with a degree in sociology but there are also wider transferable skills that you can develop.

Why Sociology at St Paul’s?

Sociology is a popular subject at St Paul’s and the students enjoy the lessons. Sociology is the study of societies and unlike other disciplines, it looks at how people live, behave and work together in groups. It asks questions about the world that we live in and tries to explain why it is the way it is.

It is a fascinating subject and will allow the you the opportunity to discuss  and research a variety of topics of interest such as crime, family and youth subculture. In other words every day subjects which play a part in everyone's lives.


 Name:  Mrs D Mehta - Head of Sociology

 Email:  dmehta@st-pauls.surrey.sch.uk

 Telephone:  01932 704141